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Silica gel field

Silica gel field

Silica gel Name: silicic acid gel is a highly active adsorbent material, which belongs to amorphous material. Silica gel is mainly composed of silica, which has stable chemical properties and is non combustible.

Silica gel is mainly composed of silica, which has stable chemical properties and is non combustible. Silica gel is a kind of amorphous silica, the dust content in the workshop should be controlled to be no more than 10 mg / m3, the ventilation should be strengthened, and masks should be worn during operation.

Silica gel has strong adsorption capacity and can dry human skin. Therefore, work clothes should be worn during operation. If silica gel enters the eye, wash it with plenty of water and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Because blue silica gel contains a small amount of cobalt chloride, which has potential toxicity, it should avoid contact with food and inhalation. In case of poisoning, it should be treated by a doctor immediately.

Because silica gel adsorbs water vapor or other organic substances in the medium in the use process, its adsorption capacity decreases, and it can be reused after regeneration.

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